11.2 POJA-L3264+3246
Title: Unmyelinated axons III
(A): Electron micrograph, human. A peripheral unmyelinated nerve (connective tissue) showing the cell of Schwann with electron-dense pigment inclusions. Note presence of neurotubules and neurofilaments in cross-section of axons.
(B): Electron micrograph, gerbil. Bundles of unmyelinated nerve fibers in the retina. Conspicuous presence of neurotubuli and thinner, fuzzy neurofilaments in the axons.
Keywords/Mesh: nervous tissue, axon, peripheral nerve fiber, unmyelinated nerve fiber, Schwann cell, neurotubule, neurofilament, histology, electron microscopy, POJA collection
Title: Unmyelinated axons III
(A): Electron micrograph, human. A peripheral unmyelinated nerve (connective tissue) showing the cell of Schwann with electron-dense pigment inclusions. Note presence of neurotubules and neurofilaments in cross-section of axons.
(B): Electron micrograph, gerbil. Bundles of unmyelinated nerve fibers in the retina. Conspicuous presence of neurotubuli and thinner, fuzzy neurofilaments in the axons.
Keywords/Mesh: nervous tissue, axon, peripheral nerve fiber, unmyelinated nerve fiber, Schwann cell, neurotubule, neurofilament, histology, electron microscopy, POJA collection