3.5 POJA-L146
Title: Bell stage of the tooth development Description: Stain Azan, human, embryo. From top to bottom: - Stratified ectoderm with a distinct basal layer of cuboid cells. - Dental lamina giving rise to the bell stage (left) and to the primordium of permanent tooth (right). - Odontogenic organ (future deciduous tooth) surrounded by fibrous tooth follicle. - Outer dental epithelium encloses the stellate reticulum consisting of a network of ectoderm-derived cells. - In the cuspal tip inner dental epithelium is seen as a dark red zone of future ameloblasts; predentin is deposited as a blue rim apposed to the odontoblastic cells. - Compact network of fibroblast-like cells (so-called pulpal cells) of the dental papilla (future pulp) which extends outside the cervical loop. - Blood vessels of the papilla and tooth follicle are shown. - At the bottom alveolar bone formation (dark blue). 3.5 POJA-L165 Title: Enamel (odontogenic) organ in tooth development 1 (bell stage) Description: Stain Azan, human embryo. Outer surface of bell; from left to right: - (avascular) Stellate reticulum. - Outer surface of the bell: capillaries in this stage proliferate and invaginate between the outer dental epithelial cells. - Part of fibrous tooth follicle. Keywords/Mesh: oral cavity, mouth, oral cavity, tooth development, dental epithelium, ameloblast, odontoblast, predentin, Korff’s fiber. histology, embryology, POJA collection |
3.5 POJA-L149
Title: Ameloblasts and odontoblasts in tooth development 2 (advanced bell stage)
Stain Azan, human embryo. From top to bottom:
- A cell layer of the stratum intermedium.
- Columnar presecretory ameloblasts at the distal side (secretion area) oriented towards predentin (blue). Note a gradient from left to right in the amount of deposited collagen fibers.
- Tall columnar odontoblasts in a epithelioid arrangement with their secretion area close to the predentin (blue).
- Note well developed nucleoli, and the presence of secretion vesicles in cells at both sides of the blue predentin.
3.5 POJA-L150
Title: Ameloblasts and odontoblasts in tooth development 3 (advanced bell stage)
Stain Azan, human embryo. From top to bottom:
- Stellate reticulum consisting of a loose network of ectoderm-derived cells.
- Cell layers of the stratum intermedium.
- Columnar presecretory ameloblasts with their nuclear area close to the stratum intermedium, and at the distal side (secretion area) oriented towards predentin (blue).
- Predentin with fan-like arrangement of Korff’s fibers (deep blue).
- Columnar odontoblasts in a epithelioid arrangement with their secretion area close to the predentin (blue).
- Mesenchym-derived fibroblast-like cells (so-called pulpal cells) producing collagen (thin blue threads) of the dental papilla (future pulp).
3.5 POJA-L151
Title: Ameloblasts and odontoblasts in tooth development 4 (early bell stage)
Stain Azan, human embryo. From top to bottom:
- Presecretory ameloblasts with the distal side (secretion area) oriented towards the basal lamina intertwined with the tangential cut blue-stained Korff’s fibers (collagen) in predentin.
- Columnar odontoblasts in a epithelioid arrangement with their secretion area close to the Korff’s fibers in predentin.
Title: Ameloblasts and odontoblasts in tooth development 2 (advanced bell stage)
Stain Azan, human embryo. From top to bottom:
- A cell layer of the stratum intermedium.
- Columnar presecretory ameloblasts at the distal side (secretion area) oriented towards predentin (blue). Note a gradient from left to right in the amount of deposited collagen fibers.
- Tall columnar odontoblasts in a epithelioid arrangement with their secretion area close to the predentin (blue).
- Note well developed nucleoli, and the presence of secretion vesicles in cells at both sides of the blue predentin.
3.5 POJA-L150
Title: Ameloblasts and odontoblasts in tooth development 3 (advanced bell stage)
Stain Azan, human embryo. From top to bottom:
- Stellate reticulum consisting of a loose network of ectoderm-derived cells.
- Cell layers of the stratum intermedium.
- Columnar presecretory ameloblasts with their nuclear area close to the stratum intermedium, and at the distal side (secretion area) oriented towards predentin (blue).
- Predentin with fan-like arrangement of Korff’s fibers (deep blue).
- Columnar odontoblasts in a epithelioid arrangement with their secretion area close to the predentin (blue).
- Mesenchym-derived fibroblast-like cells (so-called pulpal cells) producing collagen (thin blue threads) of the dental papilla (future pulp).
3.5 POJA-L151
Title: Ameloblasts and odontoblasts in tooth development 4 (early bell stage)
Stain Azan, human embryo. From top to bottom:
- Presecretory ameloblasts with the distal side (secretion area) oriented towards the basal lamina intertwined with the tangential cut blue-stained Korff’s fibers (collagen) in predentin.
- Columnar odontoblasts in a epithelioid arrangement with their secretion area close to the Korff’s fibers in predentin.