10.3 POJA-L2038+2270+2183
Title: Meissner corpuscles I in the skin
Thick skin type: (A): Sole of foot, stain hematoxylin-eosin, human.
(B): Fingertip, stain hematoxylin-azophloxine, human.
(C): Palm of hand, stain hematoxylin-axophloxine, human.
The Meissner corpuscles (1) are tactile sensoric corpuscles and constructed as lamellar bodies and are located in the papillae
of the dermis just below the epidermis. Several afferent nerve fibers enter in the corpuscle, branch and lose the myelin sheath.
Lamellar flattened cytoplasmic processes of Schwann cells and connective tissue capsule surround the nerve terminal endings.
Keywords/Mesh: skin, foot sole, fingertip, hand palm, Meissner corpuscle, sensoric receptor, histology, POJA collection
Title: Meissner corpuscles I in the skin
Thick skin type: (A): Sole of foot, stain hematoxylin-eosin, human.
(B): Fingertip, stain hematoxylin-azophloxine, human.
(C): Palm of hand, stain hematoxylin-axophloxine, human.
The Meissner corpuscles (1) are tactile sensoric corpuscles and constructed as lamellar bodies and are located in the papillae
of the dermis just below the epidermis. Several afferent nerve fibers enter in the corpuscle, branch and lose the myelin sheath.
Lamellar flattened cytoplasmic processes of Schwann cells and connective tissue capsule surround the nerve terminal endings.
Keywords/Mesh: skin, foot sole, fingertip, hand palm, Meissner corpuscle, sensoric receptor, histology, POJA collection