3.6 POJA-L105
Title: Cross-section of tooth in alveolar bone Description: Stain picric acid-hematoxylin, cat. From left to right:
3.6 POJA-L108 Title: Dentin in longitudinal section of tooth Description: Stain hematoxylin-eosin, human adult. Cross-sectioned dentinal tubules demonstrate:
3.6 POJA-L141 Title: Dentinal tubules in cross-section of tooth Description: Thin ground section, polarizing microscopy (optical axes of the polarizing plates are crossed at 60°), human adult. Close to the dentinoenamel junction, slightly oblique section shows dentinal tubules depicted by brown-stained hollow fiber-like structures containing odontoblastic processes (Tomes’ fibers) in a semi-three dimensional way. Numerous fine secondary branches of these processes are anastomosing with those of neighbouring tubules. 3.6 POJA-L158 Title: Dentinal tubules in longitudinal section of tooth Description: Thin ground section, polarizing microscopy (optical axes of the polarizing plates are crossed at 60°), human adult. Slightly oblique section shows near the dentionenamel junction dentinal tubules depicted by brown-stained hollow fiber-like containing odontoblastic processes (Tomes’ fibers) in a semi-three dimensional way (“stubble-field” aspect). Darker stained clusters represent anastomosing secondary branches (comparable with POJA-L141). |
3.6 POJA-L106
Title: Dentin in cross-section of tooth Description: Stain hematoxylin-eosin, human adult. Longitudinally sectioned dentinal tubules are parallely arranged, and numerous side branches are visible. KeywordsMesh: oral cavity, mouth, tooth, periodontal ligament, cementum, dentin, dentinal tubule, Tomes' fiber, incremental line, odontoblast, von Ebner, histology, POJA collection |