9.2 POJA-L2769+3464+2768+La0244
Title: Different cell types in the adenohypophysis (pars distalis IV)
(A, C): Adenohypophysis, stain Azan, human. Note: in all photographs the pituitary gland is well-vascularized.
The red-stained cells in (A) are called acidophilic cells to which belong both the somatotropic cells (somatotropin)
and the mammotropic cells (prolactin).
The bluish-stained cells in (C) are called basophilic cells among which are classified the gonadotropic cell types (FSH and LH),
thyrotropic cells (TSH) and the corticotropic cells (ACTH).
(B, D): Adenohypophyses, electron microscopy, rat. (B) shows a mammotropic cell type with characteristic relatively large
electron-dense granules. A thyrotropic cell type in (D) with characteristic small electron-dense granules, mostly located near
the cell borders. Note the close apposition of the endocrine cells to a capillary (1).
Keywords/Mesh: hypophysis, pituitary gland, adenohypophysis, acidophilic cell, basophilic cell
Title: Different cell types in the adenohypophysis (pars distalis IV)
(A, C): Adenohypophysis, stain Azan, human. Note: in all photographs the pituitary gland is well-vascularized.
The red-stained cells in (A) are called acidophilic cells to which belong both the somatotropic cells (somatotropin)
and the mammotropic cells (prolactin).
The bluish-stained cells in (C) are called basophilic cells among which are classified the gonadotropic cell types (FSH and LH),
thyrotropic cells (TSH) and the corticotropic cells (ACTH).
(B, D): Adenohypophyses, electron microscopy, rat. (B) shows a mammotropic cell type with characteristic relatively large
electron-dense granules. A thyrotropic cell type in (D) with characteristic small electron-dense granules, mostly located near
the cell borders. Note the close apposition of the endocrine cells to a capillary (1).
Keywords/Mesh: hypophysis, pituitary gland, adenohypophysis, acidophilic cell, basophilic cell