3.6 POJA-L125
Title: Pulp chamber of tooth Description: Stain hematoxylin-eosin, human adult. Pulpal connective tissue is a special type of tissue (“stromal” tissue) with so-called stellate-shaped pulpal fibroblastic cells that produce growth factors, extracellular matrix including thin collageneous proteins. Blood vessels are small and thin-walled; macrophages and pericytes as well as nerve fibers are present. 3.6 POJA-L124
Title: Pulp canal of tooth (longitudinal section) Description: Stain hematoxylin-eosin, human adult. Centrally three thick nerve bundles. In between blood vessel filled with erythrocytes. At the right side longitudinal course of slender thin-walled blood vessels (arterioles) which pass into thin-walled capillaries with a wide lumen. 3.6 POJA-L101A nr. 6
Title: Scheme survey tooth (longitudinal section) Description: Scheme canine tooth in osseous alveolus, human. Keywords/Mesh: oral cavity, mouth, tooth, enamel, dentin, pulp canal, pulp chamber, pulp fibroblast, histology, POJA collection |