4.1.1 POJA-L3988
Title: Parietal cell and chief cells in gastric glands (human)
Description: Electron micrograph.
The parietal cell (1) has intracellular canaliculi (3) connected to a vast system of tubules and vesicles for the production and transport of HCl to the lumen. The cell contains numerous large mitochondria. Two chief cells (2) are present with many large electron gray granules above the nucleus and towards the lumen of the gland. The chief cells produce pepsinogen and some lipases.
Keywords/Mesh: parietal cell, chief cell, stomach, gastric glands, parietal cell, electron microscopy
Title: Parietal cell and chief cells in gastric glands (human)
Description: Electron micrograph.
The parietal cell (1) has intracellular canaliculi (3) connected to a vast system of tubules and vesicles for the production and transport of HCl to the lumen. The cell contains numerous large mitochondria. Two chief cells (2) are present with many large electron gray granules above the nucleus and towards the lumen of the gland. The chief cells produce pepsinogen and some lipases.
Keywords/Mesh: parietal cell, chief cell, stomach, gastric glands, parietal cell, electron microscopy