3.5 POJA-L131
Title: Sagittal section through tooth buds in jaws during tooth development Description: Stain hematoxylin-eosin, human embryo 6 wk. At the top the upper jaw (maxilla) opposite the lower jaw (mandible). At the right side part of the tongue in the oral cavity. Arrows point to epithelial proliferations (future tooth bud formation) that are surrounded by condensation of mesenchymal cells (neural crest mesoderm cells). Keywords/Mesh: oral cavity, mouth, tooth development, tooth bud, dental lamina, histology, embryology, POJA collection |
3.5 POJA-L132
Title: Epithelial tooth bud in tooth development (tooth germ) Description: Stain hematoylin, human embryo. At the top stratified ectoderm. The proliferating basal cell layers are palisade-arranged with a light cytoplasm close to the basement membrane (right side). Below the basement membrane subepithelially an accumulation of inductive neural crest-derived mesenchymal cells is locally present. 3.5 POJA-L133 Title: Bud stage outgrowth in tooth development (tooth germ) Description: Stain hematoxylin, human embryo. At the top stratified ectoderm continuous with the former epithelial tooth bud that abuts toward the underlying neural crest-derived mesenchymal cells. A basal lamina delimits the palisade-arranged epithelial cells from the surrounding dense aggregate of mesenchymal cells. 3.5 POJA-L136 Title: Early cap stage in tooth development Description: Stain Azan, human embryo. From top to bottom: