6.2 POJA-L2719+2716
Title: Epididymal duct
(A) Anti-keratin 7-antibody (OVTL12/30) immunoperoxidase staining with DAB, human.
(B) Stain Weigert hematoxylin, human.
(A): All epithelial cells (1) of the epididymal duct (caudal part) do stain positively with the monoclonal antibody OVTL12/30
against cytokeratin 7.
(B): The details here show that the two-layered pseudostratified epithelium consists of basal small cells (B, 2)
and columnar principal cells (3) with oval nuclei. The luminal cells usually bear stereocilia (4) sticking together in tufts. Myofibroblasts/smooth muscle cells (5) are located just below the basal cells and do not express cytokeratin 7 (in A).
Keywords/Mesh: testis, epididymis, epididymal duct, cytokeratin 7, histology, POJA collection
Title: Epididymal duct
(A) Anti-keratin 7-antibody (OVTL12/30) immunoperoxidase staining with DAB, human.
(B) Stain Weigert hematoxylin, human.
(A): All epithelial cells (1) of the epididymal duct (caudal part) do stain positively with the monoclonal antibody OVTL12/30
against cytokeratin 7.
(B): The details here show that the two-layered pseudostratified epithelium consists of basal small cells (B, 2)
and columnar principal cells (3) with oval nuclei. The luminal cells usually bear stereocilia (4) sticking together in tufts. Myofibroblasts/smooth muscle cells (5) are located just below the basal cells and do not express cytokeratin 7 (in A).
Keywords/Mesh: testis, epididymis, epididymal duct, cytokeratin 7, histology, POJA collection