9.6 POJA-L3480+La0240+2906+2907
Title: Human pineal gland with corpora arenacea (II)
Several enlargements of the pineal glands, stain Azan. The gland is an outgrowth from the roof of the diencephalon and is surrounded by
the pia mater (5). (4) Choroid plexus.
(1) A large thick-walled cyst within the parenchym. (2) Parenchym consisting of three cell types: pinealocytes, microglial cells and stellate interstitial cells or fibrous astrocytes. Pinealocytes contain neurosecretory granules (melatonin).
The microglial cells, upon stimulation can produce several interleukins.
(3) Brain sand (acervuli) or corpora arenacea being concrements of calcium salts in the connective tissue.
Calcification is the result of the production of ECM (extracellular matrix) in which calcium phosphate crystals are deposited.
This process starts early in childhood and is more distinct in the second life decade, but it appears not influence pineal functions.
Keywords/Mesh: pineal gland, pinealocyte, melatonin, acervulus cerebri, corpus arenaceus, psammoma body, histology, POJA collection
Title: Human pineal gland with corpora arenacea (II)
Several enlargements of the pineal glands, stain Azan. The gland is an outgrowth from the roof of the diencephalon and is surrounded by
the pia mater (5). (4) Choroid plexus.
(1) A large thick-walled cyst within the parenchym. (2) Parenchym consisting of three cell types: pinealocytes, microglial cells and stellate interstitial cells or fibrous astrocytes. Pinealocytes contain neurosecretory granules (melatonin).
The microglial cells, upon stimulation can produce several interleukins.
(3) Brain sand (acervuli) or corpora arenacea being concrements of calcium salts in the connective tissue.
Calcification is the result of the production of ECM (extracellular matrix) in which calcium phosphate crystals are deposited.
This process starts early in childhood and is more distinct in the second life decade, but it appears not influence pineal functions.
Keywords/Mesh: pineal gland, pinealocyte, melatonin, acervulus cerebri, corpus arenaceus, psammoma body, histology, POJA collection