10.6 POJA-L2191+2192+2194
Title: Skin of scrotum (tunica dartos)
Scrotum skin with the dartos muscle (tunica dartos), stain trichrome Goldner, human. The survey (A) shows a thin skin (1) type,
with papillae and (some) hairs (4) but also well-developed smooth muscle fibers (2). (A, C) mixed with collagen/elastin fibers, as well as
apocrine glands (5). (B) Sebaceous glands (3) are present in (A).
The muscle fibers of the tunica dartos serve to contract the skin of the scrotum depending on the external temperature in order
to keep the internal temperature adjusted.
Keywords/Mesh: skin. scrotum, tunica dartos, dartos muscle, histology, POJA collection
Title: Skin of scrotum (tunica dartos)
Scrotum skin with the dartos muscle (tunica dartos), stain trichrome Goldner, human. The survey (A) shows a thin skin (1) type,
with papillae and (some) hairs (4) but also well-developed smooth muscle fibers (2). (A, C) mixed with collagen/elastin fibers, as well as
apocrine glands (5). (B) Sebaceous glands (3) are present in (A).
The muscle fibers of the tunica dartos serve to contract the skin of the scrotum depending on the external temperature in order
to keep the internal temperature adjusted.
Keywords/Mesh: skin. scrotum, tunica dartos, dartos muscle, histology, POJA collection