4.1.1 POJA-L4228+408
Title: Colon (human)
Description: Stain: (A) Scheme of the plica semilunaris. (B) Hematoxylin-eosin.
The plicae semilunares are formed by contraction of the circular muscle layer, and are visible macroscopically as haustrae.
The layers in the colon are:
(1) Tunica mucosa.
(2) Lamina muscularis mucosae.
(3) Tela submucosa.
(4) Tunica muscularis.
(9) Fat cells in tela submucosa.
Note that the mucosa contains crypts only and no villi. The epithelial cells are composed of enterocytes with brush border, goblet cells and entero-endocrine cells. The lamina propria is usually well equipped with lymphocytes for immune surveillance. The tunica muscularis mucosae is thicker than that of the small intestines. The mucosa of the colon resorbs water and provides mucus for the movement of the thickened stool.
Keywords/Mesh: colon, crypts, scheme, histology, POJA collection
Title: Colon (human)
Description: Stain: (A) Scheme of the plica semilunaris. (B) Hematoxylin-eosin.
The plicae semilunares are formed by contraction of the circular muscle layer, and are visible macroscopically as haustrae.
The layers in the colon are:
(1) Tunica mucosa.
(2) Lamina muscularis mucosae.
(3) Tela submucosa.
(4) Tunica muscularis.
(9) Fat cells in tela submucosa.
Note that the mucosa contains crypts only and no villi. The epithelial cells are composed of enterocytes with brush border, goblet cells and entero-endocrine cells. The lamina propria is usually well equipped with lymphocytes for immune surveillance. The tunica muscularis mucosae is thicker than that of the small intestines. The mucosa of the colon resorbs water and provides mucus for the movement of the thickened stool.
Keywords/Mesh: colon, crypts, scheme, histology, POJA collection