3.6 POJA-L156
Title: Permanent tooth (labiolingual section)
Canine tooth in osseous alveolus , stain hematoxylin-scarlet red, human. From top to bottom:
Title: Permanent tooth (labiolingual section)
Canine tooth in osseous alveolus , stain hematoxylin-scarlet red, human. From top to bottom:
- Crown region with dentin but without enamel (decalcified specimens).
- Neck region at the attachment of the gingiva to dentin (left and right).
- Cementum is visible as a dark small rim from the neck region to the bottom of the tooth.
- Periodontal ligament fills the clear gap between cementum and tooth socket.
- Root region as the main part of the tooth; the bony collar from neck region down to apex is the region of the alveolar process.
- The alveolar bone proper surrounds the root and attachs to the periodontal ligament and is composed of thin bony lamellae (woven bone or bundle bone).
- Supporting alveolar bone (mandible) surrounds above-mentioned lamellae and gives support to the socket. This supporting bone consists of cortical plates (compact bone) and spongy bones.
- Pulp canal and apical foramen are absent.