1.1 POJA-L550+551-HV
Title: Contamination with squamous cell cells in peripheral blood smear (A) and in a bone marrow smear (B) (human) Description: Stain: May-Grünwald-Giemsa (MGG). In blood and bone marrow smears incidentally squamous epithelial cells from the skin tissues are found. (A-1): Is an epithelial cell from the keratinized stratified (upper) epidermis; (A-2): A young neutrophil with a few vacuoles in the cytoplasm (probably degeneration). (B-1): The large nuclei in B-1 are derived from squamous cells. (B-2): Shows myeloid cells. Keywords/Mesh: blood, bone marrow, myeloid cell, squamous epithelial cell, vacuole, histology, POJA collection |