8.2 POJA-L321 Title: Olfactory mucosa in the nose (I) Description: Stain iron hematoxylin-eosin (Heidenhain), dog. The pseudostratified epithelium of the olfactory mucosa contains sensory cells, supporting cells and basal cells. The upper darker stained nuclei (1) belong to the supporting (sustentacular) cells showing a dark apical line (↑) at the top. Below lighter stained nuclei (2) of the olfactory cells. The ultimate lower row (3) of basal cells have slightly darker stained nuclei. In the lamina propria branched tubuloalveolar serous glands (4, olfactory glands of Bowman) are located which release secrete to dissolve and remove odoriferous substances. Note thin intra-epithelial draining ducts (5, darkly stained).
8.2 POJA-L322: Title: Olfactory mucosa in the nose (II) Description: Stain toluidine blue (in black white), one-micron plastic section, human. Pseudostratified epithelium with light stained nuclei (1) (note distinct nucleoli) of olfactory cells. At the surface faintly stained cilia/microvilli (2). Nuclei of sustentacular (supporting) cells (3) are stained darker and predominantly in the upper regions their apically granular cytoplasms (lipid granules and lysosomes) are discernible. The ultimate lower row (5) of basal cells have slightly darker stained nuclei. In the lamina propria branched tubulo-alveolar glands (4, olfactory glands of Bowman) are present which produce secretion with dissolved odoriferous substances. Capillaries, fibroblasts and macrophages are also observed.
8.2 POJA-L320 Title: Respiratory epithelial cells bordering the olfactory region in the nose Description: Electron microscopy, human. The five respiratory cells (1) show many cross-sectioned cilia (2) in the lumen. Basal bodies (arrow heads) are regularly arranged at the apex of these cells, and in between, short, slender microvilli. Electron-light cytoplasmic protrusions (3) between the cilia are olfactory bulb or vesicles of underlying olfactory cells that are not visible here. Remind that these extensions (3, 3a) are not derived from the goblet cells (4)! Note that extension 3a contains cross-sectioned cilia within its cytoplasm. (See also scheme electron microscopy of picture POJA-L324). Three goblet cells (4) with large secretory granules are interspersed between ciliated cells. 8.2 POJA-L318 Title: Olfactory gland (Bowman) in olfactory region of concha Description: Electron microscopy, human. Beneath the olfactory epithelium tubuloalveolar glands of Bowman (1) are found containing cells that produce dense secretion granules arranged around a large lumen (*) with greyish secretion product. These cells produce a serous fluid in which odoriferous substances are dissolved. The continuous secretion of the serous fluid and its movement caused by the sustentacular cells of the olfactory epithelium thus constantly refresh the surface fluid. The proper lamina contains fibroblasts (2) and a small arteriole (3). The serous fluid contains, among others, lysozyme, IgA, odorant binding protein (OBP). Keywords/Mesh: respiratory tract, nasal cavity, respiratory epithelium, pseudostratified epithelium, olfactory mucosa, olfactory epithelium, olfactory bulb, Bowman gland, olfactory gland, goblet cell, cilium, microvillus, secretion granule, histology, electron microscopy, POJA collection |