16.1.3 POJA-L7087+7088 Partially burned human bone specimen
16.1.3 POJA-L7087+7088 Partially burned human bone specimen
Title: Partially burned human bone specimen Description: The human bone specimen was half burned causing denaturating and loss of collagen fibres in the burned part of the sample. Using polarisation microscopy the polarisation nicols were crossed completely in (A) and only half in (B). The corresponding osteons are numbered for identification in both photographs. Unburned collagen fibers are birefringing, while the burned osteons are not. The collagen fibres in the lamellae are arranged in a circular fashion. The intact osteones (left half) show classic polarisation pattern (Malthese Cross effect), the burned ones don’t, i.e. the right half. See also:
Keywords/Mesh: locomotor system, bone, compact bone, osteon, birefringe, collagen, Malthese Cross effect, polarisation, histology, POJA collection |