9.5 POJA-L4387+2876+La0229+La0235
Title: Details of the human adrenal gland (III)
(A): Scheme. (B - D): Stain hematoxylin-eosin. (A, 1) Zona glomerulosa just below the capsule of the organ cells are nested in round clusters,
as also shown in (B, 1). This layer produces mineralocorticosteroids, such as aldosterone that promotes the back resorption of Na+ in
the kidney. The glomerulosa cells are stimulated by angiotensin II and to some extent by ACTH (hypophysis).
The cells in the adjacent zona fasciculata (A, 2) and (B, 3) and (C, 3) are arranged in longitudinal parallel cords. They are involved in the production of glucocorticoids, such as cortisol or hydrocortisone. Their cells are stimulated by ACTH (hypophysis).
(C, 4) Zona reticularis produce androgens.
(C, 5) Part of the medulla with ganglion cells detailed in (D, 6). The ganglion cells are also depicted in the scheme (A4, nr 9).
Chromaffin cells (D, 7) and (A4, nr 8) produce adrenalin and noradrenalin.
Note the numerous capillaries (D, 8) in the medulla. The capillaries are also detailed in the schemes (A3 and A4, nr 6 and 7).
Keywords/Mesh: adrenal gland, cortex, medulla, adrenalin, noradrenalin, histology, POJA collection
Title: Details of the human adrenal gland (III)
(A): Scheme. (B - D): Stain hematoxylin-eosin. (A, 1) Zona glomerulosa just below the capsule of the organ cells are nested in round clusters,
as also shown in (B, 1). This layer produces mineralocorticosteroids, such as aldosterone that promotes the back resorption of Na+ in
the kidney. The glomerulosa cells are stimulated by angiotensin II and to some extent by ACTH (hypophysis).
The cells in the adjacent zona fasciculata (A, 2) and (B, 3) and (C, 3) are arranged in longitudinal parallel cords. They are involved in the production of glucocorticoids, such as cortisol or hydrocortisone. Their cells are stimulated by ACTH (hypophysis).
(C, 4) Zona reticularis produce androgens.
(C, 5) Part of the medulla with ganglion cells detailed in (D, 6). The ganglion cells are also depicted in the scheme (A4, nr 9).
Chromaffin cells (D, 7) and (A4, nr 8) produce adrenalin and noradrenalin.
Note the numerous capillaries (D, 8) in the medulla. The capillaries are also detailed in the schemes (A3 and A4, nr 6 and 7).
Keywords/Mesh: adrenal gland, cortex, medulla, adrenalin, noradrenalin, histology, POJA collection