7.3 POJA-L1700+1699
Title: Normal term placenta (human)
(A): Left (fetal surface): 30-90 cm long umbilical cord (1), remnant of ruptured transparent amnion (2→) , near the eccentric attachment of the umbilical cord to the chorion plate ramification of the umbilical vessels (3) (arteries are smaller than the veins).
(B): Right (maternal surface). The surface has a rough cobblestone-like structure due to the fetal cotyledons, separated by grooves (arrow heads▼▼) formerly occupied by placental septae. (By courtesy of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Radboud university medical center, Nijmegen, The Netherlands).
Keywords/Mesh: placenta, amnion, chorion plate, cotyledon, chorion, umbilical cord, macroscopy, histology, POJA collection.
Title: Normal term placenta (human)
(A): Left (fetal surface): 30-90 cm long umbilical cord (1), remnant of ruptured transparent amnion (2→) , near the eccentric attachment of the umbilical cord to the chorion plate ramification of the umbilical vessels (3) (arteries are smaller than the veins).
(B): Right (maternal surface). The surface has a rough cobblestone-like structure due to the fetal cotyledons, separated by grooves (arrow heads▼▼) formerly occupied by placental septae. (By courtesy of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Radboud university medical center, Nijmegen, The Netherlands).
Keywords/Mesh: placenta, amnion, chorion plate, cotyledon, chorion, umbilical cord, macroscopy, histology, POJA collection.