11.4 POJA-L2967+3107+3106+4452
Title: Basket cells in the cerebellum
(A): Electron microscopy scheme basket cell, human. The basket cell has an inhibitory effect on Purkinje cells and is located in the
inner third of the molecular layer of the cerebellum. It is an interneuron with axons that extend laterally and innervate
the somata of Purkinje neurons. The axon collaterals of the basket cell form a specialized terminal periaxonal plexus
(the ‘pinceau” or brush) around the Purkinje cell axon initial segment, thus forming an
inhibitory axo-axonal complex. The fan-shaped basket cell dendrites remain at the apical side of the soma.
(B): Silver stain, human. Purkinje cells surrounded with a basket of axonal branches from the basket cells.
(C): Immunoperoxidase staining with DAB and antibodies against neurofilaments, mouse. Immunoreactivity
is distinct present in both basket cells processes, Purkinje cell fibers and parallel fibers of the granule cells
(T-shaped axons) (by courtesy of H. ter Laak PhD, Department of Pathology, University Medical Centre Radboud University,
Nijmegen, The Netherlands).
(D): Immunofluorescence staining with antibodies against neurofilaments (mouse) being abundantly present
in the medulla. Note the positive reacting basket cell axons around the Purkinje cells.
Keywords/Mesh: nervous tissue, cerebellum, interneuron, Purkinje cell, basket cell, axon, dendrite, neurofilament, histology,
POJA collection
Title: Basket cells in the cerebellum
(A): Electron microscopy scheme basket cell, human. The basket cell has an inhibitory effect on Purkinje cells and is located in the
inner third of the molecular layer of the cerebellum. It is an interneuron with axons that extend laterally and innervate
the somata of Purkinje neurons. The axon collaterals of the basket cell form a specialized terminal periaxonal plexus
(the ‘pinceau” or brush) around the Purkinje cell axon initial segment, thus forming an
inhibitory axo-axonal complex. The fan-shaped basket cell dendrites remain at the apical side of the soma.
(B): Silver stain, human. Purkinje cells surrounded with a basket of axonal branches from the basket cells.
(C): Immunoperoxidase staining with DAB and antibodies against neurofilaments, mouse. Immunoreactivity
is distinct present in both basket cells processes, Purkinje cell fibers and parallel fibers of the granule cells
(T-shaped axons) (by courtesy of H. ter Laak PhD, Department of Pathology, University Medical Centre Radboud University,
Nijmegen, The Netherlands).
(D): Immunofluorescence staining with antibodies against neurofilaments (mouse) being abundantly present
in the medulla. Note the positive reacting basket cell axons around the Purkinje cells.
Keywords/Mesh: nervous tissue, cerebellum, interneuron, Purkinje cell, basket cell, axon, dendrite, neurofilament, histology,
POJA collection