9.3 POJA-L2808+La0248+2815+2809
Title: Calcitonin cells (C-cells) in thyroid gland (XI)
Thyroid gland. (A): Enzyme histochemistry, Gpox (glycerophosphate oxidase), pig. The C- cells are stained dark blue in the GPox reaction (arrows) due to the high number of mitochondria.
(B): Immunoperoxidase-DAB reaction with anti-calcitonin antibodies, human. Similarly these cells (single or clustered) are stained dark brown (arrows) with the antibodies against calcitonin.
(C, D): Electron micrographs of C-cells, gerbil. The C-cells in this survey are clustered as light staining cells (1), while the follicular epithelial cells are stained darker. Note the dense network of capillaries in (C). (2) Colloid in follicle.
Keywords/Mesh: thyroid gland, follicle, follicular cell, parafollicular cell, calcitonin cell, C-cell, calcitonin, thyroglobulin, histology, electron microscopy, POJA collection
Title: Calcitonin cells (C-cells) in thyroid gland (XI)
Thyroid gland. (A): Enzyme histochemistry, Gpox (glycerophosphate oxidase), pig. The C- cells are stained dark blue in the GPox reaction (arrows) due to the high number of mitochondria.
(B): Immunoperoxidase-DAB reaction with anti-calcitonin antibodies, human. Similarly these cells (single or clustered) are stained dark brown (arrows) with the antibodies against calcitonin.
(C, D): Electron micrographs of C-cells, gerbil. The C-cells in this survey are clustered as light staining cells (1), while the follicular epithelial cells are stained darker. Note the dense network of capillaries in (C). (2) Colloid in follicle.
Keywords/Mesh: thyroid gland, follicle, follicular cell, parafollicular cell, calcitonin cell, C-cell, calcitonin, thyroglobulin, histology, electron microscopy, POJA collection