9.2 POJA-L2786+2787+2789+2788
Title: Pituicytes in pars nervosa (I) of the hypophysis
(A): Neurohypophysis, stain Azan, human.The pars nervosa stores ADH (antidiuretic hormone) and oxytocin which were produced in
the cell bodies in the hypothalamus. Basically a pituicyte (2) is a specially differentiated neuroglia cell involved in the storage and
release of aforementioned hormones.
The Herring bodies or neurosecretory storage bodies (1, arrows) are dilated terminal ends of the non-myelinated axons (3) from
the hypothalamus. Both hormones are stored in different Herring bodies.
In the bodies are also found binding proteins neurophysin I (for oxytocin) and neurophysin II (for ADH).
(B - D): Neurohypophyses, electron microscopy, rat.
Stellate pituicytes (3) are represented in intimate contact with neurosecretory axons as well as their varicosities filled with neuro- secrectory granules (hormones). (D) Is a detail of (C).
Note in (D) synaptic vesicles as well as neurotubules.
Keywords/Mesh: hypophysis, pituitary gland, neurohypophysis,Herring body, pituicyte, histology, electron microscopy, POJA collection
Title: Pituicytes in pars nervosa (I) of the hypophysis
(A): Neurohypophysis, stain Azan, human.The pars nervosa stores ADH (antidiuretic hormone) and oxytocin which were produced in
the cell bodies in the hypothalamus. Basically a pituicyte (2) is a specially differentiated neuroglia cell involved in the storage and
release of aforementioned hormones.
The Herring bodies or neurosecretory storage bodies (1, arrows) are dilated terminal ends of the non-myelinated axons (3) from
the hypothalamus. Both hormones are stored in different Herring bodies.
In the bodies are also found binding proteins neurophysin I (for oxytocin) and neurophysin II (for ADH).
(B - D): Neurohypophyses, electron microscopy, rat.
Stellate pituicytes (3) are represented in intimate contact with neurosecretory axons as well as their varicosities filled with neuro- secrectory granules (hormones). (D) Is a detail of (C).
Note in (D) synaptic vesicles as well as neurotubules.
Keywords/Mesh: hypophysis, pituitary gland, neurohypophysis,Herring body, pituicyte, histology, electron microscopy, POJA collection