10.7 POJA-L2225+2227
Title: Normal collagen and “frayed” collagen fibers
(A): Back skin, electron microscopy, human. Normal collagen fibrils with the periodicity generated by a staggered array of
self-aggregating tropocollagen molecules.
(B): Back skin, electron microscopy, pseudoxanthoma elasticum human. (1)Part of a fibroblast and (2) a bundle of abnormal
collagen fibrils the so-called “frayed” collagen fibrils that also could contribute to hyperelasticity of the skin.
In between loosely arranged (3) microfibrillar-associated glycoproteins and fibrillin.
Keywords/Mesh: skin, dermis, collagen, pseudoxanthoma elasticum, histology, electron microscopy, POJA collection
Title: Normal collagen and “frayed” collagen fibers
(A): Back skin, electron microscopy, human. Normal collagen fibrils with the periodicity generated by a staggered array of
self-aggregating tropocollagen molecules.
(B): Back skin, electron microscopy, pseudoxanthoma elasticum human. (1)Part of a fibroblast and (2) a bundle of abnormal
collagen fibrils the so-called “frayed” collagen fibrils that also could contribute to hyperelasticity of the skin.
In between loosely arranged (3) microfibrillar-associated glycoproteins and fibrillin.
Keywords/Mesh: skin, dermis, collagen, pseudoxanthoma elasticum, histology, electron microscopy, POJA collection