13.1 POJA-La0309+L4667+4607
Title: Veins: upper and lower body veins (human)
(A): Limb vein, resorcin-fuchsin and light green The wall is irregular shaped composed of an intima (1) with longitudinal smooth muscle cells (SMC), a media (2) with partly circular/longitudinal SMC (spiraling pattern) and an adventitia (3) with longitudinal and some circular SMC.
(B): Vein (biopsy of limb muscle), EM. Lumen (1), endothelial cell (2), cross-sectioned smooth muscle cells (SMC) (3). Note that so-called longitudinal arranged muscle fibers often tend to course spirally (4).
(C): Facial vein, toluidine blue-stained 1 micrometer plastic section, black white. Upper body vein with (1) intima, (2) media, and small circular bundles of smooth muscles (Sm) dispersedly distributed, collagen fibers (Co) in the adventitia.
Background: In contrast to lower body veins those of the upper body do not require extra longitudinal bundles of smooth muscles in the adventitia to overcome the hydrostatic pressure.
Keywords/Mesh: cardiovascular system, vascularisation, limb vein, facial vein, hydrostatic pressure, histology, electron microscopy, POJA collection
Title: Veins: upper and lower body veins (human)
(A): Limb vein, resorcin-fuchsin and light green The wall is irregular shaped composed of an intima (1) with longitudinal smooth muscle cells (SMC), a media (2) with partly circular/longitudinal SMC (spiraling pattern) and an adventitia (3) with longitudinal and some circular SMC.
(B): Vein (biopsy of limb muscle), EM. Lumen (1), endothelial cell (2), cross-sectioned smooth muscle cells (SMC) (3). Note that so-called longitudinal arranged muscle fibers often tend to course spirally (4).
(C): Facial vein, toluidine blue-stained 1 micrometer plastic section, black white. Upper body vein with (1) intima, (2) media, and small circular bundles of smooth muscles (Sm) dispersedly distributed, collagen fibers (Co) in the adventitia.
Background: In contrast to lower body veins those of the upper body do not require extra longitudinal bundles of smooth muscles in the adventitia to overcome the hydrostatic pressure.
Keywords/Mesh: cardiovascular system, vascularisation, limb vein, facial vein, hydrostatic pressure, histology, electron microscopy, POJA collection