16.1.3 POJA-L7118+7121+7086 From osteoblast to osteocyte 4
16.1.3 POJA-L7118+7121+7086 From osteoblast to osteocyte 4
Title: From osteoblast to osteocyte 4
Electron micrographs of osteblasts and osteocytes in rabbit, desmal ossification.
(1): Osteoblasts.
(2): Subosteoblastic layer.
(3): Bone matrix.
(4): Canaliculi.
(5): Osmiophilic lamina. (thin very dense outline of the lacuna closed to the osteocyte).
The osteoblast in (A) has an ample cytoplasm with abundant RER, Golgi vesicles.
The cell in (B) is a resorptive osteocyte. There is no osmiophilic lamina and there is a paucity of organelles and RER profiles.
The cell in (C) appears in the transition from quiescent stage to formative osteocyte. The osteocyte still has an osmiophilic lamina but the amount of organelles increases, including Golgi areas and dense lysosomal structures.
See also:
Keywords/Mesh: locomotor system, bone, desmal ossification, mineralisation, bone matrix, osteoblast, osteocyte, electron microscopy, POJA collection
Title: From osteoblast to osteocyte 4
Electron micrographs of osteblasts and osteocytes in rabbit, desmal ossification.
(1): Osteoblasts.
(2): Subosteoblastic layer.
(3): Bone matrix.
(4): Canaliculi.
(5): Osmiophilic lamina. (thin very dense outline of the lacuna closed to the osteocyte).
The osteoblast in (A) has an ample cytoplasm with abundant RER, Golgi vesicles.
The cell in (B) is a resorptive osteocyte. There is no osmiophilic lamina and there is a paucity of organelles and RER profiles.
The cell in (C) appears in the transition from quiescent stage to formative osteocyte. The osteocyte still has an osmiophilic lamina but the amount of organelles increases, including Golgi areas and dense lysosomal structures.
See also:
- 16.1.3 POJA-L7067+7072 From osteoblast to osteocyte 1
- 16.1.3 POJA-L7126+7120+7122 From osteoblast to osteocyte 2
- 16.1.3 POJA-L7125+7119 From osteoblast to osteocyte 3
- 16.1.3 POJA-L7052+7053 Development of flat bones 3
- 16.1.3 POJA-L7086B Osteocyte 1
Keywords/Mesh: locomotor system, bone, desmal ossification, mineralisation, bone matrix, osteoblast, osteocyte, electron microscopy, POJA collection