7.3 POJA-L1694+1791
Title: Fetal cotyledons (normal term human placenta)
Description: After dissection of one placental lobe several cotyledons (2) are visible in (A). Each fetal cotyledon (2) consists of a main stem villus (1) and all its branches.
(B): After trypsinization of a cotyledon the tree of arborisation of the stem villus and its branches becomes visible. (By courtesy of W. Willemsen MD PhD, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Radboud university medical center, Nijmegen, The Netherlands).
Keywords/Mesh: placenta, cotyledon, villus, trypsinization, histology, POJA collection.
Title: Fetal cotyledons (normal term human placenta)
Description: After dissection of one placental lobe several cotyledons (2) are visible in (A). Each fetal cotyledon (2) consists of a main stem villus (1) and all its branches.
(B): After trypsinization of a cotyledon the tree of arborisation of the stem villus and its branches becomes visible. (By courtesy of W. Willemsen MD PhD, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Radboud university medical center, Nijmegen, The Netherlands).
Keywords/Mesh: placenta, cotyledon, villus, trypsinization, histology, POJA collection.