12.1.6 POJA-L3578+4404+2585
Title: Lacrimal glands 1
Lacrimal gland (glandula lacrimalis), stain Azan, human. It is a ramified tubulo-acinar serous gland (A-C), with intralobular ducts (B, C, 1)
that end into larger interlobular ducts (B, 2). They are located in the orbit above the upper eyelid. The tubules are often widened into alveolar size. The glandular structures are surrounded by myoepithelial cells (B, arrow).
About 6-12 ducts channel the liquid to the fornix conjunctivae. Intercalated ducts are not present.
The ducts end in a saccus lacrimalis and from there into ductus nasolacrimalis, both covered with a double cylindrical epithelium.
The tear liquid also contains lysozyme (bacteriolytic), lactoferrin (bacteriostatic) and secretory IgA (defensive and neutralizing infections).
Keywords/Mesh: eye, lacrimal gland, tear, histology, POJA collection
Title: Lacrimal glands 1
Lacrimal gland (glandula lacrimalis), stain Azan, human. It is a ramified tubulo-acinar serous gland (A-C), with intralobular ducts (B, C, 1)
that end into larger interlobular ducts (B, 2). They are located in the orbit above the upper eyelid. The tubules are often widened into alveolar size. The glandular structures are surrounded by myoepithelial cells (B, arrow).
About 6-12 ducts channel the liquid to the fornix conjunctivae. Intercalated ducts are not present.
The ducts end in a saccus lacrimalis and from there into ductus nasolacrimalis, both covered with a double cylindrical epithelium.
The tear liquid also contains lysozyme (bacteriolytic), lactoferrin (bacteriostatic) and secretory IgA (defensive and neutralizing infections).
Keywords/Mesh: eye, lacrimal gland, tear, histology, POJA collection