Colonoscopy video link
1: Live Colonoscopy
UC Irvine Health, 30 -03- 2016
Colonoscopies are important in detecting and preventing colorectal cancer, the second leading cause of cancer death in the U.S. To raise awareness about colonoscopy and demystify the procedure, two of our colorectal disease experts, Dr. Kenneth Chang and Dr. Gregory Albers, participated in a live colonoscopy on March 30, 2016. Chang, executive director of H.H. Chao Comprehensive Digestive Disease Center, performed the procedure on Albers, medical director of GI Diagnostic Services. Chang and Albers answered viewer questions from Twitter about colonoscopy and colon health. Moderator: Marcida Dodson, Content Development Manager, UC Irvine Health Marketing and Communications For more information, visit: #ColorectalCancerAwarenessMonth #TheAntiCancer | UC Irvine Health |
2: Normal Adult Colonic Anatomy in Colonoscopy
Video Journal and Encyclopedia of GI Endoscopy, 01-05-2014
Abstract: Embryological development of the colon is complex and often unpredictable. This gives rise to variable colonic configurations during colonoscopy. An appreciation of normal colonic anatomy and three-dimensional spatial awareness of the estimated position of the colonoscope by the colonoscopist is important. Such understanding and awareness helps plan and institute specific maneuvers that are important for safe and complete examination, in addition to carrying out anatomically specific troubleshooting strategies in colonoscopy. This article is part of an expert video encyclopedia. READ THE FULL ARTICLE ON OUR OPEN ACCESS VIDEO JOURNAL & ENCYCLOPEDIA HERE: Keywords Colonoscopy; Intubation; Landmarks; Standard endoscopy; Video
3 : Colonoscopy: A Journey through the Colon and Removal of Polyps
Ohio State Wexner Medical Center, 27-01-2015
Dr. Darrell Gray, II gives a narrated tour of the colon as he performs a colonoscopy on a patient with a normal colon (Part I) and a patient in whom polyps (abnormal growths) are found and removed (Part II).
UC Irvine Health, 30 -03- 2016
Colonoscopies are important in detecting and preventing colorectal cancer, the second leading cause of cancer death in the U.S. To raise awareness about colonoscopy and demystify the procedure, two of our colorectal disease experts, Dr. Kenneth Chang and Dr. Gregory Albers, participated in a live colonoscopy on March 30, 2016. Chang, executive director of H.H. Chao Comprehensive Digestive Disease Center, performed the procedure on Albers, medical director of GI Diagnostic Services. Chang and Albers answered viewer questions from Twitter about colonoscopy and colon health. Moderator: Marcida Dodson, Content Development Manager, UC Irvine Health Marketing and Communications For more information, visit: #ColorectalCancerAwarenessMonth #TheAntiCancer | UC Irvine Health |
2: Normal Adult Colonic Anatomy in Colonoscopy
Video Journal and Encyclopedia of GI Endoscopy, 01-05-2014
Abstract: Embryological development of the colon is complex and often unpredictable. This gives rise to variable colonic configurations during colonoscopy. An appreciation of normal colonic anatomy and three-dimensional spatial awareness of the estimated position of the colonoscope by the colonoscopist is important. Such understanding and awareness helps plan and institute specific maneuvers that are important for safe and complete examination, in addition to carrying out anatomically specific troubleshooting strategies in colonoscopy. This article is part of an expert video encyclopedia. READ THE FULL ARTICLE ON OUR OPEN ACCESS VIDEO JOURNAL & ENCYCLOPEDIA HERE: Keywords Colonoscopy; Intubation; Landmarks; Standard endoscopy; Video
3 : Colonoscopy: A Journey through the Colon and Removal of Polyps
Ohio State Wexner Medical Center, 27-01-2015
Dr. Darrell Gray, II gives a narrated tour of the colon as he performs a colonoscopy on a patient with a normal colon (Part I) and a patient in whom polyps (abnormal growths) are found and removed (Part II).