10.3 POJA-L2258+2251+2224+2249+2226
Title: Collagen in dense connective tissue
Electron micrographs of connective tissue in the dermis, human.
(A): Limb skin, dense connective tissue of tendon, massive bundles of cross-sectioned collagen fibrils (1) and in between
a fibroblast with long cytoplasmic extensions.
(B): Back skin. Collagen fibrils (1 in B1) and fibroblast with 10 nm intermediate filaments (vimentin, 2 in B2).
(C): Breast skin, Lymph capillary with endothelial cell (3) in the dermis of the breast surrounded by massive bundles of
collagen fibrils (1).
(D): Back skin, normal collagen fibrils (1) with periodicity generated by a staggered array of self-aggregating
tropocollagen molecules.
(E): Scleral layer (eye), dense connective tissue with cross-sectioned regular shaped collagen fibrils (1), each enclosed by
a fuzzy coat of microfibrillar-associated glycoproteins.
Keywords/Mesh: skin, dermis, dense connective tissue, fibroblast, collagen, vimentin, histology, electron microscopy, POJA collection
Title: Collagen in dense connective tissue
Electron micrographs of connective tissue in the dermis, human.
(A): Limb skin, dense connective tissue of tendon, massive bundles of cross-sectioned collagen fibrils (1) and in between
a fibroblast with long cytoplasmic extensions.
(B): Back skin. Collagen fibrils (1 in B1) and fibroblast with 10 nm intermediate filaments (vimentin, 2 in B2).
(C): Breast skin, Lymph capillary with endothelial cell (3) in the dermis of the breast surrounded by massive bundles of
collagen fibrils (1).
(D): Back skin, normal collagen fibrils (1) with periodicity generated by a staggered array of self-aggregating
tropocollagen molecules.
(E): Scleral layer (eye), dense connective tissue with cross-sectioned regular shaped collagen fibrils (1), each enclosed by
a fuzzy coat of microfibrillar-associated glycoproteins.
Keywords/Mesh: skin, dermis, dense connective tissue, fibroblast, collagen, vimentin, histology, electron microscopy, POJA collection