1.1 POJA-L736
Title: Megakaryocyte (bone marrow, rabbit)
Description: Electron microscopy.
A survey of a megakaryocyte demonstrates very well the differences in diameter between this giant polyploid cell (1) and the other young white blood cells (2-5).
In the intermediate zone the (dark) granules (of the future platelets) are close associated with the electron-light interconnected tubular system (so-called demarcation membrane system or open canalicular system: OCS) (→). These demarcation channels are continuous with the irregular cell surface. The production of platelets occurs after a long thin cytoplasmic cell extension protrudes through an endothelial fenestra resulting in the release of platelet ribbons or individual platelets.
(2): Myeloblast;
(3): Eosinophilic granulocyte;
(4): Young neutrophilic granulocytes;
(5): Adipocyte;
(6): Erythrocyte.
Keywords/Mesh: blood, bone marrow, megakaryocyte, platelet, histology, electron microscopy, POJA collection
Title: Megakaryocyte (bone marrow, rabbit)
Description: Electron microscopy.
A survey of a megakaryocyte demonstrates very well the differences in diameter between this giant polyploid cell (1) and the other young white blood cells (2-5).
In the intermediate zone the (dark) granules (of the future platelets) are close associated with the electron-light interconnected tubular system (so-called demarcation membrane system or open canalicular system: OCS) (→). These demarcation channels are continuous with the irregular cell surface. The production of platelets occurs after a long thin cytoplasmic cell extension protrudes through an endothelial fenestra resulting in the release of platelet ribbons or individual platelets.
(2): Myeloblast;
(3): Eosinophilic granulocyte;
(4): Young neutrophilic granulocytes;
(5): Adipocyte;
(6): Erythrocyte.
Keywords/Mesh: blood, bone marrow, megakaryocyte, platelet, histology, electron microscopy, POJA collection