13.1 POJA-L4320+4589+4597
Title: Ensheathed artery and vein (human)
(A): Small artery and accompanying vein (palate tonsil), Azan. Both artery (1) and vein (2) are surrounded by a common connective tissue sheath. Arteriole (3), venule (4) and capillary (5).
(B): Small artery/vein ensheathed by a connective tissue tube (femoral region), Azan. (1) Muscular artery. (2) Accompanying vein (vena concomittant). (3) Locally a smooth muscle bundle in adventitia). (4) Venule. (5) Small arteriole. (6) Lymph capillary.
(C): Mid-sized artery/vein ensheathed (cubital artery/vein), Haematoxylin-orcein for elastic fibres. Muscular artery with intima with brown-stained IEL (1). Media (2). Adventitia (3) with vasa vasorum. (4) Vein (vena concomittant) with circular arranged smooth muscle cells (SMC) in the media-adventitia.
Background: Often arteries and veins run together ensheathed by a common layer of connective tissue. Arteries accompanying veins one another in such way that the arterial pulses aid venous return e.g. in the limbs.
Keywords/Mesh: cardiovascular system, vascularisation, blood vessel, muscular artery, vein, vena concomittant, vasa vasorum, histology, POJA collection
Title: Ensheathed artery and vein (human)
(A): Small artery and accompanying vein (palate tonsil), Azan. Both artery (1) and vein (2) are surrounded by a common connective tissue sheath. Arteriole (3), venule (4) and capillary (5).
(B): Small artery/vein ensheathed by a connective tissue tube (femoral region), Azan. (1) Muscular artery. (2) Accompanying vein (vena concomittant). (3) Locally a smooth muscle bundle in adventitia). (4) Venule. (5) Small arteriole. (6) Lymph capillary.
(C): Mid-sized artery/vein ensheathed (cubital artery/vein), Haematoxylin-orcein for elastic fibres. Muscular artery with intima with brown-stained IEL (1). Media (2). Adventitia (3) with vasa vasorum. (4) Vein (vena concomittant) with circular arranged smooth muscle cells (SMC) in the media-adventitia.
Background: Often arteries and veins run together ensheathed by a common layer of connective tissue. Arteries accompanying veins one another in such way that the arterial pulses aid venous return e.g. in the limbs.
Keywords/Mesh: cardiovascular system, vascularisation, blood vessel, muscular artery, vein, vena concomittant, vasa vasorum, histology, POJA collection