4.1.1 POJA-L3975+3976
Title: Alkaline phosphatase activity in fundus zone of the stomach (rat)
Description: Stain: Alkaline phosphatase. The alkaline phosphatase activity is mainly localized in the surface epithelium of the gastric pits and foveolae, and much less in the lower part of the gastric glands. Alkaline phosphatase activity is related to glucose absorption and phosphorylation.
Keywords/Mesh: fundus, stomach, foveolae, alkaline phosphatase, histology, POJA collection
Title: Alkaline phosphatase activity in fundus zone of the stomach (rat)
Description: Stain: Alkaline phosphatase. The alkaline phosphatase activity is mainly localized in the surface epithelium of the gastric pits and foveolae, and much less in the lower part of the gastric glands. Alkaline phosphatase activity is related to glucose absorption and phosphorylation.
Keywords/Mesh: fundus, stomach, foveolae, alkaline phosphatase, histology, POJA collection