Title: Scheme of compound glands in the human oral cavity A. parotid gland (serous). B. sublingual gland (mucous area). C. sublingual gland (mixed area). D. simplified scheme of compound serous/mucous gland. Description:
3.4 POJA-L45 Title: Sublingual gland 1 Description: Stain Azan, human. The sublingual gland is a mixed gland and mucous cells are dominating (muco-serous acini). Intralobular ducts are present. Note one thick blue interlobular septum and few thinner intralobular ones. 3.4 POJA-L46 Title: Sublingual gland 2 Description: Stain Azan, human. The sublingual gland is a mixed gland and characteristic in human is the presence of large areas of serous cells neighbouring areas with mucous cells. Inter- and intralobular ducts are present. Note inter- and intralobular septa (blue) and scattered fat cells (white). 3.4 POJA-L48 Title: Tongue (lingual gland) Description: Stain Azan, human. The posterior lingual gland is composed of areas with pure serous acini neighbouring pure mucous acini between the tongue muscles (at the left few striated fibers). Keywords/Mesh: oral cavity, mouth, salivary gland, sublingual gland, muco-serous gland, tongue, lingual gland, histology, POJA collection |