4.1.1 POJA-L4109+La0264+4114+4108
Title: Cutaneous zone of the colorectal canal (human)
Description: Stain: (A, B, C) Hematoxylin-eosin. (D) Scheme. Images (A, B and C) are derived from the cutaneous zone depicted in figure (D).
The epithelium (1) is a keratinizing skin epithelium, which however turns into a less and non-keratinizing epithelium near the intermediate zone (see fig D), and into cuboidal cells within the colorectal mucosa area.
The cutaneous zone therefore also contains hair follicles (2) and sweat glands (3), and sebaceous glands (4) usually ending in the hair shaft. (5): Smooth musculus sphincter ani internus.
(6): Longitudinal muscle layer.
(7): Striated musculus sphincter ani externus.
Keywords/Mesh: colon, rectum, anal canal, skin, histology, POJA collection
Title: Cutaneous zone of the colorectal canal (human)
Description: Stain: (A, B, C) Hematoxylin-eosin. (D) Scheme. Images (A, B and C) are derived from the cutaneous zone depicted in figure (D).
The epithelium (1) is a keratinizing skin epithelium, which however turns into a less and non-keratinizing epithelium near the intermediate zone (see fig D), and into cuboidal cells within the colorectal mucosa area.
The cutaneous zone therefore also contains hair follicles (2) and sweat glands (3), and sebaceous glands (4) usually ending in the hair shaft. (5): Smooth musculus sphincter ani internus.
(6): Longitudinal muscle layer.
(7): Striated musculus sphincter ani externus.
Keywords/Mesh: colon, rectum, anal canal, skin, histology, POJA collection