8.2 POJA-L323 Title: Olfactory epithelium in the nasal cavity (I) Description: Three-dimensional scheme electron microscopy, mammals. Six olfactory cells (1) surround one massive central supporting cell (2). A third, basal cell (3) is located at the basal plate aposing to the supporting cell. These olfactory cells are tall and slender bipolar nerve cells with chemoreceptive functions. In its groove the basal cell hides three thin axons (4) derived from olfactory cells. The dendritic process reach the surface and end as bulb-like swellings (5, olfactory vesicles or bulbs). Up to twenty long olfactory cilia (6) protrude radially from this bulb and run subsequently bend parallel to the surface of the epithelium. The one tall supporting (sustentacular) cell in the middle exhibits many short microvilli. |
8.2 POJA-L324 Title: Olfactory epithelium in the nasal cavity (II) Description: Scheme electron microscopy, human. Four olfactory bulbs (1, vesicles) with radially sprouting cilia are present at the surface of the epithelium. Their slender cell bodies (2, bipolar neurons) are flanked by sustentacular (supporting)broad cells (3) whose apices are filled with well developed organelles, few dark lipid droplets and exhibit many short microvilli (4). In the lumen many cross-sectioned microvilli and olfactory cilia are seen. Two basal cells (5) are also depicted down on the basal lamina. The olfactory cell shows the apical course of the dendrite with its apical ciliated bulb while the basal cytoplasm continues downwards as the axon passing the basal cells to the proper lamina. |
8.2 POJA-L326 Title: Olfactory epithelium in the nasal cavity (III) Description: Electron microscopy, human. At the top (lumen) cross-sections of olfactory bulbs (1) (vesicles) with cilia/basal bodies. Sustentacular (supporting) cells (2) exhibit numerous microvilli in the lumen, their cytoplasms contain many dispersed mitochondria and in the lower half aggregations of endoplasmic reticulum. In the middle partially a slender cytoplasm of an olfactory cell (3) filled with an accumulation of mitochondria (note that the ultrastructure is not optimal due to biopsy procedures). Keywords/Mesh: respiratory tract, nasal cavity, olfactory epithelium, bipolar neuron, axon, dendrite, pseudostratified epithelium, basal cell, olfactory vesicle, olfactory bulb, olfactory cilium, microvillus, histology, electron microscopy, POJA collection |