6.1 POJA-L4238+4237+4236+2722
Title: Rete testes
(A) Stain hematoxylin-eosin, human. (B, C) Stain trichrome Goldner, human. (D) Anti-keratin 7-antibody
(OVTL12/30) immunoperoxidase staining with DAB, human.
(1): Seminiferous tubules with several stages of the spermatogenesis.
(2): Labyrinthine tubules of rete testis.
(D): Note that in (D) there is an abrupt transition (arrow↘) of the negative last part of the seminiferous tubule and
the beginning of the positive rete testis part.
(D, 1): is similar transition area as shown in (A, 3).
Keywords/Mesh: testis, seminiferous tubule, rete testis, cytokeratin 7, histology, POJA collection
Title: Rete testes
(A) Stain hematoxylin-eosin, human. (B, C) Stain trichrome Goldner, human. (D) Anti-keratin 7-antibody
(OVTL12/30) immunoperoxidase staining with DAB, human.
(1): Seminiferous tubules with several stages of the spermatogenesis.
(2): Labyrinthine tubules of rete testis.
(D): Note that in (D) there is an abrupt transition (arrow↘) of the negative last part of the seminiferous tubule and
the beginning of the positive rete testis part.
(D, 1): is similar transition area as shown in (A, 3).
Keywords/Mesh: testis, seminiferous tubule, rete testis, cytokeratin 7, histology, POJA collection