16.1.3 POJA-L7112+7074+7117 Lamellar bone (or secondary bone)
16.1.3 POJA-L7112+7074+7117 Lamellar bone (or secondary bone)
Title: Lamellar bone (or secondary bone)
(A): Scheme of human lamellar bone. (B): Survey of cortical bone. (C): Survey of trabecular bone.
(1): Osteon.
(2): Trabecular bone.
(3): Bone marrow.
The matrix is built of mineralised osteoid in a highly ordered construction resulting in a strong and resistant structure. An osteon has centrally a canal called Haversian channel in which blood capillaries and nerves are harvested.
Secondary (or lamellar bone) is the type of bone in the adult skeleton and is distinguished based on texture into a compact type as well as spongy type. Both are composed of lamellar bone structures.
Compact type: cortical bone homogeneous, dense cortical layer of lamellar bone. The bulk consists of the main components the osteons (1) consisting of concentric bony lamellar structures with a central so-called Haversian canal for the blood supply.
Spongy type: trabecular bone (cancellous bone), thin bony network located on the inside of the cortical bone. Bone marrow (3) is present in the spaces of the trabecular bony network.
Keywords/Mesh: locomotor system, compact bone, trabecular bone, osteon, lamella, Haversian canal, histology, POJA collection
Title: Lamellar bone (or secondary bone)
(A): Scheme of human lamellar bone. (B): Survey of cortical bone. (C): Survey of trabecular bone.
(1): Osteon.
(2): Trabecular bone.
(3): Bone marrow.
The matrix is built of mineralised osteoid in a highly ordered construction resulting in a strong and resistant structure. An osteon has centrally a canal called Haversian channel in which blood capillaries and nerves are harvested.
Secondary (or lamellar bone) is the type of bone in the adult skeleton and is distinguished based on texture into a compact type as well as spongy type. Both are composed of lamellar bone structures.
Compact type: cortical bone homogeneous, dense cortical layer of lamellar bone. The bulk consists of the main components the osteons (1) consisting of concentric bony lamellar structures with a central so-called Haversian canal for the blood supply.
Spongy type: trabecular bone (cancellous bone), thin bony network located on the inside of the cortical bone. Bone marrow (3) is present in the spaces of the trabecular bony network.
Keywords/Mesh: locomotor system, compact bone, trabecular bone, osteon, lamella, Haversian canal, histology, POJA collection