4.2.1 POJA-L 2930+0184
Title: Liver portal triad with bile ductule-EM scheme (human)
Description: (A) Survey transition from liver bile canaliculi into the Hering canal (3) and subsequent bile ductule (4).
The liver cells (A, 1 and B, 1, yellow brown) continue their intercellular bile canaliculi (B, 5) into a system of intrahepatic bile ductules or epithelial ductal cells (A, 2 and B, 2 green) the so-called terminal bile ductules (or Hering canals).
The duct (B, 6) or ductule of Hering continues into the (interlobular) bile ductule (4). Cholangiocytes and hepatocytes can be stained differentially with Keratins 19 and 7.
Keywords/Mesh: liver cell, ductule of Hering, canals of Hering, bile ductule, schemes, histology, electron microscopy, POJA collection
Title: Liver portal triad with bile ductule-EM scheme (human)
Description: (A) Survey transition from liver bile canaliculi into the Hering canal (3) and subsequent bile ductule (4).
The liver cells (A, 1 and B, 1, yellow brown) continue their intercellular bile canaliculi (B, 5) into a system of intrahepatic bile ductules or epithelial ductal cells (A, 2 and B, 2 green) the so-called terminal bile ductules (or Hering canals).
The duct (B, 6) or ductule of Hering continues into the (interlobular) bile ductule (4). Cholangiocytes and hepatocytes can be stained differentially with Keratins 19 and 7.
Keywords/Mesh: liver cell, ductule of Hering, canals of Hering, bile ductule, schemes, histology, electron microscopy, POJA collection