3.4 POJA-L49
Title: Scheme serous gland (salivary gland) Description: Scheme electron microscopy, human. Part of an acinus of serous cells, basolaterally a well developed rough endoplasmic reticulum and apically secretion granules with different maturity towards the small lumen. Note small junctional complexes close to the lumen. On top stages of early formed secretion granule (left) and more matured ones (right). 3.4 POJA-L51
Title: Scheme mucous gland (salivary gland) Description: Scheme electron microscopy. Part of an acinus of mucous cells with different amount of mucous secretion. Supranuclearly the Golgi areas with maturing mucous secretion granules, basolateral the endoplasmic reticulum. At the top the lumen. The left cell shows an accumulation of the secretory droplets, the nucleus is pushed basally and the endoplasmic reticulum is hardly shown. Note part of a myoepithelial cell squeezed between two adjacent mucous cells and the basal lamina. |
Title: Scheme of compound glands in the human oral cavity A. parotid gland (serous). B. sublingual gland (mucous area). C. sublingual gland (mixed area). D. simplified scheme of compound serous/mucous gland. Description:
3.4 POJA-L50
Title: Ultrastructure of serous acinus Description: Electron microscopy parotid gland, rat. Part of a serous acinus with characteristic secretion granules supranuclearly. Note different densities of the granules without any signs of fusion. 3.4 POJA-L52
Title: Ultrastructure of sero-mucous acinus Description: Electron microscopy submandibular gland, gerbil. Upper two mucous cells of a sero-mucous acinus contain secretion droplets of different densities (light grey). Note partly fused mucous droplets. In the middle a serous cell cell with darkly stained granules. At the bottom a dense-stained intercalated cell without granules. The basal lamina of the acinus is barely visible in the right corner. Keywords/Mesh: oral cavity, mouth, salivary gland, parotid gland, submandibular gland, exocrine gland, serous gland, mucous gland, sero-mucous gland, histology, electron microscopy, POJA collection