7.2 POJA-L1352+1670+1848
Title: Fallopian tube, ampulla (human, adult)
Description: Stain: Hematoxylin-azophloxin. Ampulla (A-B) and (C) CK 7 (OVTL12-30) antikeratin antibody immunoperoxidase staining with diaminobenzidin reaction (DAB).
(A-B): Major plica (1); (2) minor plica and proper lamina with blood vessels in loose connective tissue; (3) pseudostratified ciliated and secretory epithelial cells.
(C): Keratin 7 is well expressed in epithelial cells. The proper lamina (4) remains negative and (**) are dilated lymphatics.
Background: Note the so-called intercalary cells (in B-C) bulging above the epithelium (partly due to fixation effect). These cells are now considered to be nonciliated secretory cells. Note also the well-defined reddish apical plate of basal bodies in ciliated cells (in B).
Keywords/Mesh: female reproductive organs, oviduct, keratin 7, intercalary cells, fallopian tubes, secretory epithelial cells, pseudostratified epithelium, histology, POJA collection.
Title: Fallopian tube, ampulla (human, adult)
Description: Stain: Hematoxylin-azophloxin. Ampulla (A-B) and (C) CK 7 (OVTL12-30) antikeratin antibody immunoperoxidase staining with diaminobenzidin reaction (DAB).
(A-B): Major plica (1); (2) minor plica and proper lamina with blood vessels in loose connective tissue; (3) pseudostratified ciliated and secretory epithelial cells.
(C): Keratin 7 is well expressed in epithelial cells. The proper lamina (4) remains negative and (**) are dilated lymphatics.
Background: Note the so-called intercalary cells (in B-C) bulging above the epithelium (partly due to fixation effect). These cells are now considered to be nonciliated secretory cells. Note also the well-defined reddish apical plate of basal bodies in ciliated cells (in B).
Keywords/Mesh: female reproductive organs, oviduct, keratin 7, intercalary cells, fallopian tubes, secretory epithelial cells, pseudostratified epithelium, histology, POJA collection.