5.4.2 POJA-L2331+2334+2338+2345+2497+4332
Title: Juxtaglomerular apparatus in renal corpuscle of kidney IV
(A - D): Arrows indicate the afferent vessels.
Glomeruli (A): Stain Azan, human. (B): Silver stain (Movat), rat. (C): Silver stain (Movat, black-white), toad. (D): Silver stain (Movat), toad.
(C and D, by courtesy of A. Lamers PhD, Department Cell biology and Histology, Radboud university medical center, Nijmegen, The Netherlands).
(E, F): Electron microscopy, rat. Vas afferens with JG (juxtaglomerular) cells and renin granules. The granulated cells with renin granules (arrow in E) are found in the arteriolar wall immediately before the vas afferens enters the glomerulus.
The JG cells are modified smooth muscle cells of the tunica media of the arteriole (E).
The JG cells produce renin that catalyzes the conversion of inactive angiotensinogen (liver) into angiotensin I and subsequently into angiotensin II (lung) that stimulates the aldosterone secretion (adrenal cortex), resulting in absorption of Na and H2O in the distal tubules.
Keywords/Mesh: urinary system, kidney, glomerulus, juxtaglomerular apparatus, JG cells, renin, histology, electron microscopy, POJA collection
Title: Juxtaglomerular apparatus in renal corpuscle of kidney IV
(A - D): Arrows indicate the afferent vessels.
Glomeruli (A): Stain Azan, human. (B): Silver stain (Movat), rat. (C): Silver stain (Movat, black-white), toad. (D): Silver stain (Movat), toad.
(C and D, by courtesy of A. Lamers PhD, Department Cell biology and Histology, Radboud university medical center, Nijmegen, The Netherlands).
(E, F): Electron microscopy, rat. Vas afferens with JG (juxtaglomerular) cells and renin granules. The granulated cells with renin granules (arrow in E) are found in the arteriolar wall immediately before the vas afferens enters the glomerulus.
The JG cells are modified smooth muscle cells of the tunica media of the arteriole (E).
The JG cells produce renin that catalyzes the conversion of inactive angiotensinogen (liver) into angiotensin I and subsequently into angiotensin II (lung) that stimulates the aldosterone secretion (adrenal cortex), resulting in absorption of Na and H2O in the distal tubules.
Keywords/Mesh: urinary system, kidney, glomerulus, juxtaglomerular apparatus, JG cells, renin, histology, electron microscopy, POJA collection