1.1 POJA-L727
Title: Neutrophilic myelocyte Description: Scheme electron microscopy. From CFU-S (colony forming units-spleen) stem cells arise CFU-GM (colony forming unit-granulocyte/monocyte) stem cells. The latter divide by mitoses and differentiate via promyeloblasts and myeloblasts into myelocytes (the last proliferative stage). The neutrophilic myelocyte (10-15 mm) contains a large nucleus (nucleoli disappear) and well developed organelles, a distinct Golgi area and “specific” or secondary granules. The primary (‘non-specific’ or azurophilic) granules (0.3-0.4 mm) are electron-grey (1) and contain among others acid phosphatase and arylsulfatase. The secondary (specific) electron-dense granules (2) contain lysozyme and phagocytin. See also POJA-L604 Keywords/Mesh: blood, bone marrow, myelocyte, neutrophilic myelocyte, neutrophilic granulocyte, primary granule, secondary granule, azurophilic granule, lysosome, histology, electron microscopy, POJA collection |