11.3 POJA-L3128+4433A
Title: Survey of spinal cord with gray and white matter
(A): Scheme spinal cord with gray and white matter, human (zoom in).
Referred to Section 11.1
(1) Radix dorsalis, dorsal root fibers.
(2) In white matter the funiculus posterior (spino-bulbar tract).
(3) Fasciculus cuneatus (column of Burdach).
(4) Fasciculus gracilis (column of Goll).
(5) Posterior median septum.
(6) Zona terminalis.
(7) Substantia gelatinosa (Rolandi).
(8) Nucleus proprius dorsalis.
(9) Formatio reticularis, reticular process and nucleus reticularis.
(10) Nucleus dorsalis (column of Clark).
(11) Lateral horn (cornu lateralis).
(12) Intermediate gray (zona intermedia).
(13) Anterior gray horn (cornu anterius).
(14) Central canal (canalis centralis).
(15) Zona intermedia centralis and lateralis.
(16) Anterior white commissure (commissura anterius alba).
(17) Anterior median fissure (fissura mediana anterius).
(18) Anterior spinal artery.
(19) Radix ventralis, anterior root fibers.
(20) Spinal ganglion.
(B): Silver-stained cross section of the lumbar part, bovine. The columnar gray matter, substantia grisea, (anterior and posterior horns)
is enveloped by the white matter (substantia alba, medullary sheath), and displays a typical H-pattern or butterfly form. The gray matter extensions look like horns in cross sections, and are therefore called cornu (see A). The surface of the spinal cord is covered by the spinal pia mater (not shown in B).
Keywords/Mesh: nervous tissue, spinal cord, spinal medulla, gray matter, white matter, histology, POJA collection
Title: Survey of spinal cord with gray and white matter
(A): Scheme spinal cord with gray and white matter, human (zoom in).
Referred to Section 11.1
(1) Radix dorsalis, dorsal root fibers.
(2) In white matter the funiculus posterior (spino-bulbar tract).
(3) Fasciculus cuneatus (column of Burdach).
(4) Fasciculus gracilis (column of Goll).
(5) Posterior median septum.
(6) Zona terminalis.
(7) Substantia gelatinosa (Rolandi).
(8) Nucleus proprius dorsalis.
(9) Formatio reticularis, reticular process and nucleus reticularis.
(10) Nucleus dorsalis (column of Clark).
(11) Lateral horn (cornu lateralis).
(12) Intermediate gray (zona intermedia).
(13) Anterior gray horn (cornu anterius).
(14) Central canal (canalis centralis).
(15) Zona intermedia centralis and lateralis.
(16) Anterior white commissure (commissura anterius alba).
(17) Anterior median fissure (fissura mediana anterius).
(18) Anterior spinal artery.
(19) Radix ventralis, anterior root fibers.
(20) Spinal ganglion.
(B): Silver-stained cross section of the lumbar part, bovine. The columnar gray matter, substantia grisea, (anterior and posterior horns)
is enveloped by the white matter (substantia alba, medullary sheath), and displays a typical H-pattern or butterfly form. The gray matter extensions look like horns in cross sections, and are therefore called cornu (see A). The surface of the spinal cord is covered by the spinal pia mater (not shown in B).
Keywords/Mesh: nervous tissue, spinal cord, spinal medulla, gray matter, white matter, histology, POJA collection