4.2.1 POJA-L3814
Title: Ductule of Hering in liver (rat)
Description: Electron micrograph of the Hering canal.
(1) Liver parenchymal cells, with glycogen, mitochondria and lysosomes.
(2) Bile ductule cell.
(3) Endothelial cell of lymph capillary.
(4) Lumen of terminal bile ductule (Hering).
Keywords/Mesh: liver cell, ductule of Hering, bile ductule, electron microscopy, POJA collection
Title: Ductule of Hering in liver (rat)
Description: Electron micrograph of the Hering canal.
(1) Liver parenchymal cells, with glycogen, mitochondria and lysosomes.
(2) Bile ductule cell.
(3) Endothelial cell of lymph capillary.
(4) Lumen of terminal bile ductule (Hering).
Keywords/Mesh: liver cell, ductule of Hering, bile ductule, electron microscopy, POJA collection