2.2 POJA-L994
Title: Penicillar arterioles in spleen (human)
Description: Stain: Azan.
The central or follicular artery in the follicle of the spleen splits into many arterioles. These arterioles spread as so-called penicillar arterioles (1) shown here. They are still surrounded by a very thin perilymphatic sheath (PALS) that disappears as the arteries in a brush-like pattern ramify gradually into capillaries upon entering the red pulp.
Keywords/Mesh: lymphatic tissue, spleen, penicillar arterioles, histology, POJA collection
Title: Penicillar arterioles in spleen (human)
Description: Stain: Azan.
The central or follicular artery in the follicle of the spleen splits into many arterioles. These arterioles spread as so-called penicillar arterioles (1) shown here. They are still surrounded by a very thin perilymphatic sheath (PALS) that disappears as the arteries in a brush-like pattern ramify gradually into capillaries upon entering the red pulp.
Keywords/Mesh: lymphatic tissue, spleen, penicillar arterioles, histology, POJA collection