4.2.1 POJA-L-3653+3654
Title: Liver hepaton and periportal area (human)
Description: Stain: Azan.
(A) Survey of liver showing centrally two hepatons (hepatic lobules) (1). (2) Central vein. (3) Portal triad with a branch of the portal vein, branches of the hepatic artery.
(B) Periportal area (portal triad) with (4) a branch of the portal vein and the transition into the sublobular vein. (5) Interlobular bile ductules. (6) Branch of hepatic artery.
Note that the liver parenchym cells as anastomosing single row cells are arranged centripetally or radially towards the central vein. The lightly stained canals between the liver cells are the sinusoid spaces.
Keywords/Mesh: liver,hepaton (hepatic lobule).central vein,portal vein, hepatic artery, histology, POJA collection
Title: Liver hepaton and periportal area (human)
Description: Stain: Azan.
(A) Survey of liver showing centrally two hepatons (hepatic lobules) (1). (2) Central vein. (3) Portal triad with a branch of the portal vein, branches of the hepatic artery.
(B) Periportal area (portal triad) with (4) a branch of the portal vein and the transition into the sublobular vein. (5) Interlobular bile ductules. (6) Branch of hepatic artery.
Note that the liver parenchym cells as anastomosing single row cells are arranged centripetally or radially towards the central vein. The lightly stained canals between the liver cells are the sinusoid spaces.
Keywords/Mesh: liver,hepaton (hepatic lobule).central vein,portal vein, hepatic artery, histology, POJA collection