4.1.1 POJA-L3909+3910
Title: Keratin expression in fetal esophagus (human)
Description: Stain: Anti-keratin-7 (OVTL12/30) antibody immunoperoxidase staining with diaminobenzidin reaction (DAB) and hematoxylin counterstaining.
At a certain stage of the fetal development of the esophagus the expression of keratin-7 in the squamous epithelium becomes visible in the upper differentiating zone (1), while the basal undifferentiated zone (2) remains negative. In addition the superficial cells are ciliated (arrows, ↘) like in respiratory linings. Esophageal glands (3) and corresponding ducts (4) express already the keratin-7 filaments.
By week 10 the esophagus is lined by ciliated epithelial cells.
Beginning at 4 months the ciliated epithelium is gradually replaced by squamous epithelium and gland formation has started.
Keywords/Mesh: esophagus, keratin, OVTL12/30 antibody, keratin 7, fetus, histology, POJA collection
Title: Keratin expression in fetal esophagus (human)
Description: Stain: Anti-keratin-7 (OVTL12/30) antibody immunoperoxidase staining with diaminobenzidin reaction (DAB) and hematoxylin counterstaining.
At a certain stage of the fetal development of the esophagus the expression of keratin-7 in the squamous epithelium becomes visible in the upper differentiating zone (1), while the basal undifferentiated zone (2) remains negative. In addition the superficial cells are ciliated (arrows, ↘) like in respiratory linings. Esophageal glands (3) and corresponding ducts (4) express already the keratin-7 filaments.
By week 10 the esophagus is lined by ciliated epithelial cells.
Beginning at 4 months the ciliated epithelium is gradually replaced by squamous epithelium and gland formation has started.
Keywords/Mesh: esophagus, keratin, OVTL12/30 antibody, keratin 7, fetus, histology, POJA collection