4.1.1 POJA-L-2925+4047
Title: Villus epithelial cells in ileum (human, gerbil)
Description: (A) Scheme electron micrograph of a resorptive enterocyte. (B) Electron micrograph of a villus.
(A): The resorptive enterocyte is a high columnar cell with a brush border or a rim of apical microvilli. This cell type contains many small electron dense resorption vesicles (B, 1).
(B, 2) Is a goblet cell filled with large electron-gray secretory granules containing mucus.
The bar (3) indicates the central core of the villus consisting of connective tissue cells, capillaries and lymph vessels and smooth muscle fibers.
Keywords/Mesh: ileum, villus, goblet cell, enterocyte, electron microscopy, small intestine, histology, POJA collection
Title: Villus epithelial cells in ileum (human, gerbil)
Description: (A) Scheme electron micrograph of a resorptive enterocyte. (B) Electron micrograph of a villus.
(A): The resorptive enterocyte is a high columnar cell with a brush border or a rim of apical microvilli. This cell type contains many small electron dense resorption vesicles (B, 1).
(B, 2) Is a goblet cell filled with large electron-gray secretory granules containing mucus.
The bar (3) indicates the central core of the villus consisting of connective tissue cells, capillaries and lymph vessels and smooth muscle fibers.
Keywords/Mesh: ileum, villus, goblet cell, enterocyte, electron microscopy, small intestine, histology, POJA collection