2.4 POJA-L1064+1075+1065+1072
Title: Follow-up of the process of diapedesis through stratified epithelium of the palatine tonsil (gut-associated lymphatic tissue, GALT) (human)
Description: Stain: (A, C) Azan on paraffin section and (B, D) anti-keratin antibody- immunoperoxidase staining using diaminobenzidin (DAB) on frozen section, counterstained with haematoxylin.
(1): (Keratinized) stratified squamous epithelial cells.
(2): Between desquamated epithelial cells the spaces are filled with infiltrated lymphocytes.
(3): Lymph follicles and (4) diffuse lymphocyte areas.
Due to diapedesis and infiltration of lymphocytes (and monocytes) the epithelial cells get desquamated. The resulting intercellular spaces are dilated and filled with accumulations of lymphocytes and monocytes.
From A to D there is a progressing process of loosening the epithelial layers. The lymphocytes can even reach the “outside” of the epithelial lining as shown in (C). Functional active squamous epithelial cells still express keratin activity (B, D) in contrast to large amounts of flattened ones without any expression, corresponding to the amorphous red-stained structures in Azan-stained sections.
Keywords/Mesh: lymphatic tissue, palatine tonsil, diapedesis, histology, POJA collection
Title: Follow-up of the process of diapedesis through stratified epithelium of the palatine tonsil (gut-associated lymphatic tissue, GALT) (human)
Description: Stain: (A, C) Azan on paraffin section and (B, D) anti-keratin antibody- immunoperoxidase staining using diaminobenzidin (DAB) on frozen section, counterstained with haematoxylin.
(1): (Keratinized) stratified squamous epithelial cells.
(2): Between desquamated epithelial cells the spaces are filled with infiltrated lymphocytes.
(3): Lymph follicles and (4) diffuse lymphocyte areas.
Due to diapedesis and infiltration of lymphocytes (and monocytes) the epithelial cells get desquamated. The resulting intercellular spaces are dilated and filled with accumulations of lymphocytes and monocytes.
From A to D there is a progressing process of loosening the epithelial layers. The lymphocytes can even reach the “outside” of the epithelial lining as shown in (C). Functional active squamous epithelial cells still express keratin activity (B, D) in contrast to large amounts of flattened ones without any expression, corresponding to the amorphous red-stained structures in Azan-stained sections.
Keywords/Mesh: lymphatic tissue, palatine tonsil, diapedesis, histology, POJA collection